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Probably, many people had the idea to make their own natural juice at home. There are juicers for this.

They come in two main types: manual and electric. In this case, the task was to quickly and efficiently obtain natural juice with an electric juicer, keeping within a small budget. It is clearly impossible to keep up with a small budget with brands such as Panasonic or Philips, because in a crisis in Russia they stand like a wing from Boeing, it also does not work with Chinese brands - expensive and not high-quality, fortunately there is a Russian-Chinese manufacturer, with production in China and an office in Penza - CJSC NPO TECHMASH".

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The Ladomir 16 juicer is packed in a colorful, sturdy box.

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When buying, you need to understand that the juice from the juicer is not the same as in the store, and that it will have to be diluted. If you approach the names scrupulously, then apple juice in bags is not juice, but compote.

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You should immediately write that, as follows from the instructions: " The operating mode of the product is repeated - short-term. Do not turn on the product continuously for more than 2 minutes. Let the engine cool down, for 1 minute, after each 2-minute turn-on, " so this fact should be taken into account immediately when buying. You won't be able to drive juice with fruit trucks.

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This juicer is the fruit of joint work of Russian and Chinese specialists. It is made in China.

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The round neck declared by the manufacturer, in my opinion, is more a disadvantage than a virtue - the squeezing process occurs in jerks.

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Finally, in Russia, they thought of making handles for carrying on boxes with products!

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The juicer is perfectly packed.

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The quality certificate is enclosed in each box with the Ladomir device, it allows you to participate in the weekly prize draw.

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The instructions for the juicer are small in size, but very detailed, with drawings and on good paper. Download the instructions for the Ladomir 16 juicer in Russian you can here.

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Warranty card of the Ladomir juicer 16. Interestingly, the store gives only six months of warranty, and the manufacturer gives a year.

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The nozzle on the spout of the juice drain is simply necessary, since without it the juice will spray and will not flow into the dishes.

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The piston for pushing fruit in the neck is made in the form of a mushroom. It can be seen that the piston is made under a cone and in this corner, between the piston and the neck, fruits will be clogged.

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In other models of juicers, the device for pressing fruit is made in the form of an ellipse. In the Ladomir 16 juicer, the piston has a groove so that it does not spin around the axis from the pressure of fruits spinning on the rubbing mesh. There are questions of clogging the gutter and washing it.

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It will be impossible to remove the container or lid if you do not press the safety lever and fasteners. When this lever is pressed, the lid bounces off automatically. The juicer operates in 3 speed modes:

  1. speed mode "1" - recommended for processing soft fruits and vegetables (watermelon, grapes, tomato, cucumber, citrus fruits);
  2. speed mode "2" — the main mode of processing products;
  3. pulse - designed for short-term and periodic activation of the product.The cake container has a high capacity and is 1.2 liters. Almost nothing got into the container from a kilogram of apples - all the cake was clogged in the juicer itself.

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Wherever possible, there are stiffeners to increase the strength of the structure.

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The suction cups at the bottom of the juicer are made of very high quality. The juicer will not jump on your table under any loads.

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The juicer mesh is made of stainless steel.

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It is necessary to wash the mesh very carefully so as not to crumple it or tear it.

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The juicer mesh has a good thickness, and not the same as that of purely Chinese juicers.

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The attachment to the grid is done perfectly. In general, the juicer impresses with its high quality.

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The motor drive has silicone inserts to reduce vibration and noise.

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It is necessary to insert an elongating nozzle on the spout of the juice drain.

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Even with the nozzle inserted on the spout, it is necessary to carefully put the juice dishes, otherwise it will flow to the side.

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Despite the fact that the size of the fruit neck is 65 millimeters, which is emphasized in advertising, the average apple still does not fit into it. In addition, the instructions say: "Peel the fruits / vegetables, cut them into pieces that can easily fit into the bell of the lid; if necessary, remove the bones" and "Attention! The ingress of solid foreign objects (including fruit seeds) into the product can damage the filter and disable the product".

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The apple still has to be cut into several pieces.

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Apples weighing one kilogram were bought to check the juicer. Interestingly, it turns out that apples are already growing in Smolensk in the spring. Moreover, the harsher the winter, the higher the price of apples.

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If the price of apples had halved, then it could be considered that the purchase of a juicer is economically profitable. If you have your own apple orchard, then buying a juicer is an inevitability.

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One kilogram of apples yields 550 milliliters of concentrate.

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The juice squeezed from an apple has the consistency of a liquid puree, therefore, to bring it to the state of a store, it is necessary to dilute it with water, add sugar and boil.

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Apple cake just doesn't want to go into the container.

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If the fruits have hard fractions, then the grid should be cleaned periodically.

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There are large unprocessed pieces of apple in the cake. By the way, this cake makes a wonderful jam and as a result there is a 100% yield of the product, so in any case you will not regret the purchase.

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There are juice stains on the lid mounting, which is not good. The juicer left two feelings: on the one hand, the highest quality of manufacture, on the other hand, an attempt to bring something new to the outdated technology of squeezing brings a negative result.

Video reviewVideo reviewVideo review of the Ladomir juicer 16.

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