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In order not to get a loss from sales on the Etsy marketplace and the like, it is advisable to know what awaits you.

The plot is likely to be like this: after watching the prices that are listed on Etsy, the master displays his products. However, after invoicing him, he realizes that he was fucked up and he got the money.

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Selling costs include monthly listing maintenance. That is, you must pay a certain amount for each product and. if your product is not on sale for a long time, a lot of money will accumulate.

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Further, after the sale, from the amount paid by the client, a percentage is charged to the state budget, which is on the list, and it is rather big. The list can be viewed here.

As you can see, when buying through Paypal, another tax is introduced.

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After a while, you receive a few more payments that you are required to pay. That is, apart from the fact that you pay all kinds of fees and taxes, you must pay a percentage for the transfers of these taxes.

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However, for Russian citizens, this is not the end of it - when sending even in a Small package, with a weight not exceeding 2 kilograms,

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the amount of sending, for example, to the USA, will cost 33 American dollars, that is, 2340 rubles at the time of this writing.

In order not to delve into the essence of all taxes, the price of the goods can be calculated as follows:

  1. we divide the price of the goods by 2 - this is the amount for all taxes, fees and transactions;
  2. subtract from the remaining amount $33;
  3. then we subtract the amount spent on materials, depreciation of tools and other expenses;
  4. then deduct the estimated cost of listing maintenance;
  5. deduct labor costs.

We cannot talk about any sale of cheap products! Things can be sent abroad at a price of at least 100 US dollars, and the profitability of production, in this case, must be determined by the manufacturer himself.

It is good to sell virtual goods or expensive products with a low cost on these sites.

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