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If there are 4 disks in the QNAP NAS TS-453A, creating 2 RAID 1 arrays just for backup purposes is not smart because the array space was wasted as there would be unallocated space on the two arrays.

CR10OTQNTS 453A 001

If the NAS will only perform backup functions, it makes sense to create a RAID 10 array of 4 disks.

CR10OTQNTS 453A 002

In this case, a static single volume is created. To do this, open the storage manager and click the New volume button.

CR10OTQNTS 453A 003

We select all 4 disks. Important: all 4 discs must be identical in size.

CR10OTQNTS 453A 004

In the RAID type curtain, select RAID 10.

CR10OTQNTS 453A 005

In this example, a Public folder will be automatically created. Public does not mean that it will be available to everyone and everything. In the domain network, you still have to tinker with the rights to it.

CR10OTQNTS 453A 006

Checking the settings.

CR10OTQNTS 453A 007

You need to confirm the action to create the RAID again.

CR10OTQNTS 453A 008

The RAID array is being created.

CR10OTQNTS 453A 009

Shared folders are being created.

CR10OTQNTS 453A 010

Every action you take is displayed in notifications.

CR10OTQNTS 453A 011

Since the array is software, it takes a certain amount of time for synchronization to occur.

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