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Not only that today, due to the incorrect submission of AMD's documentation to Microsoft, the latter, as usual, rolled out untested updates, as a result of which the machine on the AMD processor stopped loading at work, but Linux also had problems.

Webmin happily announced that there are 4 service packs, after updating via the WEB face the axis stopped loading. Fortunately, there were 3 simple boot versions and 3 with bootloader restore: 4.4.0-103, 4.4.0-104, and 4.4.0-108. 108 did not boot even in recovery mode. In recovery mode 104 it was possible to return the bootloader to its normal state.

Webmin update

Webmin persistently wanted to install packages, however, if you update not sudo apt-get update, but sudo apt-get upgrade, that is, checking the dependencies, we will see that 3 of 4 packages should not be installed.

Exclude update thumbs

In principle, restoring the bootloader is not a long matter, but it requires unnecessary gestures and physical access to the server.

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