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The Nitrous Zaion Kit required a bridge with a tank. Также мне охота было проверить отличается ли вкус другого танка от комплектного бака Centaurus B80.

This article is intended for people over 18 years of age who want to quit smoking!

In order not to waste money in vain, in general, I decided to buy a tank with a bridge from hand as an experiment. If in Malaysia a bridge with a tank costs $46.91, then in Russia I bought it used for half the price.

Looking ahead, this tank gave the opportunity to tinker not only with me, but also with the first owner.

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I will test the bridge using Cotton bacon.

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The bridge comes in a nice plastic box.

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The bridge is made in China.

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The bridge and jets are neatly packed in foam. A small number of jets and their large scatter are immediately thrown.

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Below is a collapsible screwdriver and an additional package.

Those who wear glasses will immediately appreciate the usefulness of having such a screwdriver.

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The optional package contains one O-ring and two spare screws.

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The device can be used not only with MTL (cigarette) puff, but also as RDL (hookah) and DL (free), that is, it is universal and this is not good, since MTL puff has its own specific properties.

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As stated by the manufacturer, the bridge is made of food grade stainless steel SS316.

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Judging by the thin walls of the bridge, I assume that it was made using powder injection molding. This is also indicated by its price. In principle, this is not critical, since there will be no loads on the bridge, and the thin walls will transfer heat well from the steam to the liquid in the tank.

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The tightening is regulated by the classic method of bottom airflow using jets.

The jets are neatly located in the sponge. The kit includes jets with holes: 1 mm, 2 mm, 2.5 mm, 3 mm and 3.5 mm, which is preinstalled, that is, the manufacturer still focuses on loose tightening, which is sad.

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The jet is installed in the base on a threaded connection.

To install the bridge in the 510 connector, you need to unscrew the nut, which also holds the oring, between the jet and the base.

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The bridge has the classic GTA wool laying system.

The screws are driven using Phillips, which is a good thing in my opinion; They are made of SS304 stainless steel.

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An insulator with a stand is inserted into the deck; it is made of Peek plastic. At the bottom of the base there is a second insulator, which is pressed in and made of the same material.

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When you unscrew the nozzle, which is also a conductive element for the stand, the insulator falls out along with the stand. From this fact it follows that hot replacement of the nozzle is impossible and the nozzle must be installed in advance with the hole size that is comfortable for you, which was identified earlier. Most tanks and breeches have this design.

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As you can see, the jet does not have a conical shape, which theoretically allows condensation to get in there and the bridge will squelch, as if snot is driving snot back and forth across the nose.

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The jet is made of SS304 stainless steel.

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The steam line is attached to the chamber using a reverse thread.

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The steam pipeline shaft is of medium size - it is neither MTL nor DL.

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The camera dome is not spherical. The volume of the chamber is reduced, but not to the maximum, that is, again the average value, which is not good.

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The bridge is inserted into the tank, into which the liquid is poured.

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Boro tank is also manufactured by Ambition mods in China.

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The kit includes only spare oring gaskets (round and rectangular rubber seals).

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If the device is new, has been used by someone, or a complete fluid change occurs, it is necessary to wash the boro tank and bridge, having first disassembled the bridge.

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You need to think about which spiral to choose in advance. For example, I first tried to install the coil on a 3.5 mm Alien, but due to the fact that the bridge only provides for reverse-wound coils, I could not install it. I had to rewind.

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You need to take enough cotton wool so that it can move in spirals, but not dangle.

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You cannot lay the wool as shown in the picture - the wool should not touch the deck.

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I repeat, the cotton wool should not touch the deck, but go straight from the spiral with flagella into the holes of the supply slurry.

The photo shows a huge number of short pieces of cotton wool. Based on this, I assume that Cotton Bacon cotton wool is somewhat overrated, since good cotton, which is used for expensive clothes, has a long pile and does not have so much debris.

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This picture shows how I tried to style one video from Youtube. When installed this way, the bridge leaked, more than once and immediately. It’s not for nothing that before launching the bridge, the author of the video prayed that it wouldn’t leak. This cannot be done - the cotton wool should not touch the deck. Also, the cotton tails must be of sufficient length and tightly cover the liquid supply holes. The optimal length of the tails should be level with the bottom edge of the base of the bridge, and in this photo it is too short.

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In addition, even after re-laying the cotton wool, the tank refused not to piss with a 1 millimeter jet, and with a 2 millimeter jet it worked normally.

I changed the coil (spiral) to a 2 mm diameter monocore, since the 3.5 mm Alien coil could not be raised to the required height.

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It turned out that the drill does not pass 1 millimeter through the nozzle hole.

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The drill stopped halfway. Due to the fact that there was no normal air supply, liquid under pressure entered the chamber and then into the steam line. Then she went down into the jet.

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There were chips in the jet hole. After cleaning the jet, changing the spiral and re-laying the wool, everything worked fine.

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In the Nitrous Zaion Kit you can clearly hear the air being sucked in, but in the Centaurus B80 AIO LSVP-90-B this is not the case.

Do not fill the tank completely with liquid when refueling for the first time. And it is better to use inexpensive liquid. Two milliliters will be enough for you to check.

The taste, for the sake of which this business was started, can be described as follows: if you install a complex coil (coil), then there will be a lot of taste and steam, but you cannot use salt liquids without harm to health, but classic liquids will taste more or less normal. If you install a spiral from a monocore with a cross-section of 0.35 - 0.4 mm, a diameter of 2 - 2.5 millimeters and set the jet to 1 millimeter, then we will get MTL pipes, but only on saline liquids, and then Asian ones. On classic liquids, this option will have a slight taste.

It should be noted that the majority of reviewers in the videos vape liquid without nicotine, so there is no need to follow their example. With normal vaping (and not in pacifier mode) in the MTL, 2 - 4 milliliters of liquid should be enough for you for a week.

In general, I did not notice a critical difference in taste between the stock tank from the Centaurus B80 AIO LSVP-90-B and the Strix RBA. Cotton wool, coil, liquid and vaping style are of great importance. However, if you move the stock tank from the Centaurus B80 into the Nitrous Zaion, the tightening will be looser than in the original carcass.

There may be breeches that can deliver flavor like mesh vaporizers, but it will be in a different price range. All these advertising slogans, this bridge is delicious, and this one is even tastier, reminiscent of advertising photo modules for smartphones. If the camera is getting better and better every year, then smartphones should long ago be able to photograph like a professional camera, but everyone knows that this is not the case and it is difficult to ensure that there are no distortions, like with a fish-eye lens.

As I use it I will add/edit the article.

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